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Monday, January 16, 2017

சித்தர் சிவவாக்கியர் பாடல் (047)

அறையினில் கிடந்தபோது அன்று தூமை என்கிறீர்
துறை அறிந்து நீர்குளித்த அன்று தூமை என்கிறீர்
பறையறைந்து நீர்பிறந்த அன்று தூமை என்கிறீர்
புரைஇலாத ஈசரோடு பொருந்துமாறது எங்ஙனே?
—சித்தர் சிவவாக்கியர் பாடல் (047)

When you remained in the room1 you said it’s impure;
On a specific day, you took a bath2, and said it’s impure;
You proclaimed with tabor, the day you were born3 and said it’s impure;
How do you fit4 this to the God5 who is present everywhere?
—Siddhar Sivavakkiyar Hymn (047)

1 In the ancient days, during the menstrual flow women were asked to remain within a room and were considered impure.
2 On the day the women took after it stopped, women were still considered to be impure.
3 Even the day a baby was born was considered impure.
4 Here it is not associated with any particular form of belief system, such as Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu, etc. as Siddhar Sivavakkiyar has clearly explained what God is in the Hymn 009.

When the divinity is present everywhere how do you say this is impure? Does it fit the God you define?

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